SUMMARY: For all children ages pre-K to 8 years who see perfectly, teaching them how others may see differently. A glimpse into the world of a child’s own visual limitations or those of others, building confidence and acceptance, fostering sensitivity to disabilities. For the youngest child it is a beautiful picture book; then, as he or she learns to read, there is the simple story in verse form. This “twin vision” book contains a Braille transcription at the bottom of each story page as a learning opportunity for the sighted child and as an aid to the child who is blind. An anti-bullying and teaching tolerance tool, stories are told through the eyes of “Glen” who wears glasses, “Paul”, who wears a patch, and “Brenda” who is blind. Enlivened with upbeat illustrations to complement its text, a CD of the story set to music is included. I SEE THE WORLD© is offered as a bridge to increasing a young child’s compassion for those who may see differently from themselves. A unique experience for any child and his family at home, or in a classroom or library setting.

At the present time, the author is self-publishing, self-promoting, and self-financing this book. Thank you for your interest in and support of I SEE THE WORLD©!

Jean Barlow

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